We believe technology has important effects on business operations at Aktiva. No matter the size of the enterprise, technology has both tangible and intagible benefits that help us produce the results our customers demand. Technological infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency and relationships inside our business.

Production of Steel Structures


New modern facility with most advanced technology for manufacture of any kind of steel structures and metal fabricated parts can offer services and capacity for production of more than 1 000 t per month.

New facility its placed under covered area from 11 000 m2 and state of art equipment for manufacturing and painting of any kind steel products .

Company and production facility have all certification according latest EN norms for steel products covered with CE marking .

Cranes & Platfroms


Company its equipped with own mobile cranes that make company reliable  and flexible during project executions and more than  30 mobile diesel and electrical platforms.



Own capacity for earth works can effect on cost reduction and project timing .



Company logistic management can offer own capacity for local transport and support for any kind of road , overseas and railway delivery of goods worldwide.